The Easy Way to Grow Microgreens At Home

The Easy Way to Grow Microgreens At Home

What are Micro-Greens? Microgreens are tiny immature vegetable and herb plants grown from seed to the second stage leaves. They are not only one of the most nutritious foods you can eat, they are delicious! Microgreens mimic the flavor of the adult plant. For...
The Diversity of Urban Ag Growing Systems.

The Diversity of Urban Ag Growing Systems.

Urban agriculture, the cultivating, distributing and processing food, in or close to a city,  is a huge part of the “Green Revolution” and many feel, vital to feed the world. Innovations in urban growing allow almost any space to be a farm: Rooftops,...
Coir Quick Fix For Clay Soils

Coir Quick Fix For Clay Soils

Texas gardener Marshall Hensley has found Coir to be fast way to prepare his heavy clay based garden beds quickly.  Wanting to plant some carrots for a before the holidays harvest, he realized his beds would need some work to make them carrot friendly.  Typically he...
Urban Farms Sprouting Up In The Best Places

Urban Farms Sprouting Up In The Best Places

You wouldn’t think of abandoned buildings, rooftops, parking garages, and subways as typical locations for farming activity, but the buy fresh, buy local movement is strong and as a business, hydroponic farms are sprouting up where you’d least expect them....