Crushed Coconut Husk Mulch

By Hugh A. Poole, Ph. D. – Horticulturist / Consultant for FibreDust LLC

mulchbag resizeFibreDust Crushed Coco Husk Chips provide a natural mulch for both indoor and outdoor use. The crushed husk is packaged in compressed blocks for convenience and shipping.Each block weighs about 11 pounds and measures 6 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches. Each block will expand to about 4 times its original volume or approximately 2 cubic feet. This is sufficient to cover an area of 24 square feet offlower or vegetable bed to a depth of one inch.

FibreDust Coco Mulch has a natural brown appearance and provides even coverage that does not float during heavy rains even on sloping grounds. The husk chips are ideal for covering the soil of indoor containers for aesthetic purposes or to prevent soil from splashing onto floors. Outdoor applications are unlimited as it can be easily spread by hand or shovel once hydrated and expanded. It acts as a very effective weed barrier, lasts for two or more years due to its high lignan content and is organic.wheelbarrow

The coco husk has a neutral pH and will not “steal” nitrogen from the soil and surrounding plants. As the husk chips age, they can be replenished or incorporated into the beds during bed preparation. As a mulch, the husk chips absorbs water between the fibers and reduces evaporation from  the soil surface, ensuring longer moisture retention for the plants.

The blocks of FibreDust Crushed Coco Husk Chips are first hydrated using water to loosen the compressed coco husk chips and to expand the particles. The chipswill actually absorb water in this process to a greater extent than tree barks because there is greater surface area and the internal fibers can capture the water after expansion.Approximately 200 blocks are stacked on a pallet and typically shipped 20 pallets per container from either SriLanka or India. Each block is equivalent to a 2 cubic foot bag of bark mulch or about 200 bags of mulch per pallet versus the traditional 40-50 bags of bark mulch per pallet.For additional information concerning FibreDustCrushed Coco Husk Chips, please fill out the inquiry below.

This article was printed in the February 2015 Amerimulch Newsletter. 

If you need pallet or container quantities, please use the form below.  If you only need a few, you can purchase on Amazon. Please see the link below.

Mulch Inquiry

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