Expo Agro Alimentaria Mexico November 2014

Expo Agro Alimentaria Mexico November 2014

The 19th  Expo Agro trade fair in Mexico attracted over 100,000 participants this year with attendees hailing from all parts of North and South America, Europe, and Asia.  Trade floors and greenhouses were high traffic areas with great interest in the  greenhouse...
LED Customized Light Recipes by Phillips

LED Customized Light Recipes by Phillips

75 years experience counts big for lighting experts at Phillips.  Working to perfect lighting for city farms. and using their vast resources they are perfecting lighting “recipes” for various crops in vertical city farming arrays.  Through intensive study,...
Coir Quick Fix For Clay Soils

Coir Quick Fix For Clay Soils

Texas gardener Marshall Hensley has found Coir to be fast way to prepare his heavy clay based garden beds quickly.  Wanting to plant some carrots for a before the holidays harvest, he realized his beds would need some work to make them carrot friendly.  Typically he...
Promoting Coir To Chinese Growers

Promoting Coir To Chinese Growers

Hortidaily 5/20/14 The Hortiflorexpo IPM, held in Beijing between 23 and 26 April, was an opportunity to introduce coir to the Chinese market.  While there are challenges involved in dealing with Chinese growers and distributors, the fact the coir is such an effective...
Purdue University Goes After Weevils

Purdue University Goes After Weevils

Weevil infestation can cause serious crop loss to African chick pea farmers, but  Purdue University’s “pics bag”  (Purdue Improved Crop Storage)  is enjoying great success in reducing the crop loss. Invented  by entomology professor Larry Murdock...
Urban Farms Sprouting Up In The Best Places

Urban Farms Sprouting Up In The Best Places

You wouldn’t think of abandoned buildings, rooftops, parking garages, and subways as typical locations for farming activity, but the buy fresh, buy local movement is strong and as a business, hydroponic farms are sprouting up where you’d least expect them....