How Do Your Cucumbers Grow? In Coir, Of Course!

It’s certainly a known fact, that coco coir is a successful substrate for many crops and cucumbers are one of them.   What you may not know is that cucumbers originate in India. Maybe they’ve been growing in coir for longer than we think!

Anar’s Cucumbers

Cucumbers seemed to be a logical greenhouse choice for the crops to be grown on site at FibreDust’s  Anar Coir Factory in India.  Five gallon poly grow bags are filled with coir substrate, and irrigated by a hydroponic drip system with nutrient solution. This is the simple setup for the cucumber growing at Anar.  Overhead, wires are strung to use as support for the plant, clipped into strings attached to the supports. Anar growers have been quite successful with this method, and produce thousands of pounds of cucumbers per growing period in a 10,000 sf greenhouse.

New Minister of Horticulture Appointed in India

India’s new Minister of Horticulture, Dr. B.N.S Murthy, is looking forward to stimulating agriculture production throughout India. He’s very keen on working with the farming industry and sees a different future for a new generation of farmers that will benefit from emerging technologies.  Dr Murthy  believes that input with regards to issues like quality planting material, effective marketing, safe food production and efficient  delivery systems, will pave the way to better performance, higher yields and more profits for the farmers.

Ready to Start a Greenhouse in India (Or Elsewhere)?

Anar welcomes the opportunity to share their methods in the greenhouse and provide practical guidelines to greenhouse production and of course, ready to offer our premium growing medium to India farmers and indeed all farmers at competitive rates.  The results of our hydroponic greenhouse growing methods are clear!